Age of Empires III Complete Collection Steam Gift

In this highly anticipated next installment in the Age of Empires franchise from Ensemble Studios, Age of Empires III places players in the time period of roughly 1500–1850, picking up where Age of Empires II: The Age of Kings left off. As players work to establish their empire, they take on the role of a European power struggling to explore, colonize, and conquer North and South America. Age of Empires III introduces exciting new gameplay elements, including the all-new Home City and an incredible combat system. Players have new civilizations to discover, random maps to conquer, and a single-player campaign unlike any other. Players also find stunning graphics as a result of a revolutionary graphics engine that pushes the limits of PC graphics technology in an entirely new way.
System requirements
Activation details
"Please note, that due to recent Valve Steam Gift policy update Steam Gifts for games that are covered by VAC ban program can no longer be added to Inventory. Make sure that you are logged in to the proper account before entering the link as Steam Gifts can be only added to your library or rejected.
How do I use a Steam gift given to me?
If you do not already have Steam, download and install Steam here. Once you have Steam installed, you will be prompted to create an account or login to an existing Steam account. If you do not have an account, please create one.
You will receive an e-mail containing a link that will open Steam allowing you to redeem your gift. After clicking the link, you will receive a notification at the top right corner in the Steam client informing that you have a new gift.
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